Services & Daily Devotionals
Surfers Anglican Online
Enjoy daily reflections and weekly shortened online services. If you can’t leave home or just want to get your daily bible fix, this page is for you. It’s easy to access and every day our team share some of the wonderful truths in the bible in a fun way.
You can watch our latest videos by clicking below or you can find us on our Facebook or YouTube page.
BASIC Learnings
Every day we take a little look into the Bible and what amazing things are hidden in there. These videos are perfect if you want to learn a little every day or find answers to questions you never knew you had.
These videos are short to the point, and a lot of fun.
Church Lite
Stay connected to the church services from anywhere with church lite.
Church lite is the condensed version of the normal services. They let you enjoy all the best parts a services while getting to the point. Never miss a service again.